Unit 8 // Weekly Progress

Week 1: In the first week, we focused on our 25 word pitch and came up with 3 different ones with 25 words. This will help me in my final major project as it helped me get used to making realistic and interesting stories with only 25 words.

Week 2: We got into groups and made our own test shoot to help us gain ideas on how we will film our Netflix series. We did not have a group communication therefore we ended up arguing about what to do for each scene and we did not agree with each other on everything. This will benefit me when I start my final major project as I now know that group communication is key and we should all agree on everything before shooting a scene instead of wasting time.

Week 3: In this week we got back into our groups and re-made the test shoot in order to improve the short film and let us know what we did wrong so that we don’t repeat those mistakes when we make our Netflix series. This time, I made a storyboard so that we know what to film for each scene without any complications or arguments in the group. This will benefit me in my final major project as I now know that planning is very useful before recording anything so that I don’t waste any time by coming up with ideas on the spot.

Week 4:  Our teacher, Lyndon, took us in small groups to a room and showed us how to use a camera and record good shots, he showed us this by getting help from 2 students that demonstrated how each shot should be and how the characters in the video should be sitting or standing in a specific position. He also showed us different camera techniques for example, the 180 degree rule, an eye line shot etc. This will help me in my final major project as I now know and learnt about the white balance effect on the camera and how to use the 180 degree rule during filming, also the shot angles and camera shots which will make my Netflix series seem realistic and professional.

Week 5: I practiced for my presentation skills, I worked in a pair and we both helped each other record our individual presentations which are about our proposals. After we recorded our presentations, I filled out a presentation skills evaluation form for my partner and she did the same for me. This will benefit me as I can be aware of the things I need to improve for when I am presenting my work. Also, me and one of my group members Melisa made our presentation. We had to wait for our other group member Bana to come into college in order for us all to present it together.

Week 6: In this week, we filmed our Netflix series. We got the props that we needed to use in the film and all the actors so we can start filming. We made a group chat so we can plan a day to come into college to film. After we filmed our series, we went to a forest to help another group with their Netflix series as they needed more actors in theirs. This will benefit me in my final major project as I can work in groups better and improved on my acting and camera skills.

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These are some screenshots of the group chat I made for our group and some people that will help us film our final major project.

Week 7: This week, I mainly focused on paperwork for units 5 and 8 as there were some work missing. I made sure nothing was missing from any of my units and if there was, I finished all the missing tasks in this week so I can start focusing on my music video. I did this by looking through the checklist and ticking everything that I have done and completing the unfinished tasks. This will benefit me for my final major project as I can improve on the way I get things done on time and to make sure I finish the paperwork before the filming as it takes more time to finish.

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Week 8: This week, unit 8 was due in on a Friday so I mainly focussed on this unit and all of the tasks that I have not done yet. I updated a few of my tasks to make them better and I made sure my group members have all the work that we done together for example our fmp Netflix series and the trailer for it and our production folder.

Here is a message I sent to one of my group members to make sure she has all the work we have done together:


Week 9: Since Unit 8 was out of the way, I went back and focussed on unit 5 which was the only unit I was behind in. I made sure the music video was good enough and edited properly, I also checked if all my paperwork is ready to submit and if not, me and my group worked on it for example, the storyboard, script and production schedule.

In conclusion, I have uploaded everything that I have been working on for this unit onto my WordPress, showing all the different changes that I have made and evidence of it for example changes in my storyboard, script etc.

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