Unit 5 // Proud The Strand Gallery

I have visited the strand gallery and I took some pictures of photographs that are related to my music video.

The skills that I want to develop on for this project is being able to know how to film a music video and gaining confidence by being in front of the camera as I am usually behind it filming. I would also like to be able to learn how to edit the music video once it is done and learn new techniques to make the whole video seem professional and interesting for everyone to watch.

The artist’s work influence on my ideas as some include a normal picture of a female wearing a lot of makeup and posing, this relates to my music video as I will also be wearing a lot of makeup and it made me want to . There is also an image of two little kids a boy and a girl with a big writing above their heads saying ‘Love’, this influenced on my idea as everyone can relate to love and the song that I am doing for my music video also relates to love and also heartbreak between a girl and a boy which is similar to the photograph i have taken from the gallery.

I have not heard or seen any of these artists before so therefore I researched about some of them to help me learn more about them and see if they relate to my ideas for my music video in order to help me with it. I also took some pictures of the artist that captured some of the pictures in the gallery, this also helped me research more about the photograph and about the artist.

The artist’s work reflects on the society as some of these images are very relatable to some people so therefore they look into it.


For this task, I will be discussing three different directors and comparing them, also how they use different interpretations for the lyrics and visuals in music videos.

Mark Romanek:

The meaning of his songs and the style to it is developed through all of the elements. His art work represents an out form that people find popular, which gives him a unique style. Every shot and frame used in his videos made with texture, contrast and lights, this creates a lasting effect on the audience. Those that have already worked with Mark Romance know that his photographic and artistic texture comes from unrelating and meticulous pre production. He enjoys planning out his videos and pre productions in order to make sure is executed well and has an authentic feel. Mark has consistently been able to create and come up with meaning to his work through the visual image and composition of his sets. Miss en scene, for a music video called Faint apron, Mark wanted a provocative or sexual feeling to the lyrics of the song. He used a small hardware light to light the scene that is attached to the top of the camera in order to give a snapshot photography to the scene. The use of the lighting is to keep the focus on the main character in the video which is Fiona, this creates distance and gives contact to the lyrics. It is to address the audience in a very sexual way, she is portrayed in  the contrasting colours which gives a scandalous and provocative look.

Spike Jonze:

He is known as one of the most popular music video creator, he is known as the most unique director within his music videos throughout his work and directing history. He produced a music video called Drop, in the first 30 seconds of the video you can see movements that are very strange however, the whole video  is backwards to make it look like it is normal. This is what makes the video entertaining for the audience to watch. The music video ‘Daft punk da funk’ is worthy of our attention as it has an incidental storyline to it, the music video is backwards this is to make it seem unique and interesting. It becomes Charles’ (character in music video) soundtrack rather than ours and also makes him the actor in the video. It is a creative idea and it makes Spike Jonze’s bravery stand out the way he chose to do so.

Johan Renck: 

He is a Swedish director and a musician, he has had an interesting career with entering the charts with some of his music as Stakk Bo in the 90s, also by directing the episodes of Breaking Bad. He has been directing multiple of videos throughout the years. Johan has been working non-stop all over the world and still continues to work with many artists such as Kylie Minogue, New Order, Madonna and Libertines. Beyonce’s song Me myself and I was directed by Johan Renck, the music video follows the plot of the song’s theme and the events in the video are played in reverse. The whole video is quite dark with black backgrounds, this is to make the video seem dramatic with not much detail to only focus on the main character. The costume she is wearing are also quite dark colours at the beginning of the video, however towards the end of the video she is wearing a yellow/green dress which adds more colour to the video and makes it seem less dull and boring.

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