Unit 6 Lyndon // Reflective Journal

Looking back at the project that I have been working on, my understanding of factual programmes changed as it is a non-fiction programming on television that documents people and actual events. These types of programs are known as an observational documentary and a reality television show.

The initial idea for my factual programme was about transgenders, I chose this idea because it is something that certain people can relate to and it is also unique and may interest the audience. It helps educate people and with the understanding of why some people are transgender and the sort of things they have to go through. It can also help anyone that is currently turning transgender and would like to know more information about it and what to expect.

The idea that my group chose was about strange addictions, we chose this idea as it was the most affective and the audience would be more interested in knowing about some of peoples strange addictions and the unusual things that people are addicted to.

The team functioned as we all knew what we had to do and we agreed on everything. Ā  We each had different roles and responsibilities, mine was to control the camera and filming the whole production, Faisal was the film director and the interviewer, Melisa was in charge of editing the whole video together and Bana, Jordan and Glenn were the actors.

The production was successful as our video turned out how we wanted it to. There were some issues during the filming which was when I was recording the scene where Glenn was being interviewed and the camera would not focus on him and was quite blurry, also the camera would shut by itself so Melisa had to get a new camera a few times.

The strengths of the completed film is that we reenacted scenes for entertainment purposes and we had some help from other class mates with the interviews. The weaknesses of the completed film was that we had to re-film some of the blurry scenes a couple of times.

Others responses to the film by saying that it was entertaining and interesting to watch and find out some of peoples strange addictions, some also found it funny because of the acting scenes.

The things I would change or do differently in this project is to record more acting scenes as most of the video was scenes of people from my group being interviewed and talking instead of showing acting scenes to make it seem more realistic and entertaining for the audience.

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