Lyndon Unit 6 // Issues/Codes and Conventions in Factual Programming

In this article I shall cover the styles, codes and conventions of factual programmes. Before doing so it is important to offer definitions of terminology related to factual programming. Essentially, the main thrust of the article is whether or not what is presented to us is the ‘truth’.


Accuracy in documentary means how accurate and up to date the information used in the documentary is. The data and everything else must be updated and reliable as the documentary will be miss leading and not accurate, which will confuse and miss inform the audience.

Accuracy in documentaries for filmmakers are a big issue for them, this is because if they give out incorrect information saying the documentary is fake and isn’t real and miss lead it, then it is miss informing the audience and giving them false information. This can end up in confusing the audience and they will tart complaining as the data given isn’t reliable.

This documentary is called The Man Who Killed Michael Jackson. This documentary looks into and talks about why and how Michael Jackson died and what caused his death.  Conrad Murray (Michaels doctor) was found guilty for involuntary man slaughter. This documentary shows an interview with Mr Murray talking about facts and figures of Michaels death, it also shows some footage from the trail. In this interview, the information that were used had to be 100% accurate especially as it is a very popular topic that everyone talks about therefore a lot of people will watch this interview and listen to what he has to say.

When making this documentary, the issues that the filmmakers had was mainly accuracy, all of the facts and figures needed to be real and truthful.


Balance simply means when we all make our own choices and have our own opinions and also beliefs which can provide our own viewpoint.

In documentaries, the issue with balance mode is the fact that everyone may not have the same or similar opinions and beliefs, moreover others may disagree with what anyone else believes in or thinks or says. In order to overcome this, the filmmakers must approach people with an open mind by listening and respecting their views, without any arguments against them.



Representation is basically the state of being represented, how the film makers have chosen to present something to the audience.

For filmmakers, the issues with representation is to deliver a message about a certain chosen subject which has no bias or one sided. Film makers can also decide and choose to represent something in a wrong way, using different skills and techniques in order to make the audience believe something different about the specific person or subject as an example.


Privacy is when someone has their own personal space away from everyone else. It also means being free from being observed by other people.

Privacy is very important to filmmakers, this is because they need to have respect for peoples privacy and need to also be understanding without any interference as it can create moral issues.


It is someones personal belief or judgment that is not certain and has no proof as it is your own personal thoughts.

An issue for filmmakers with opinion is if someone states their own personal opinion and ideas on a film making however not everyone agrees with it which would cause problems.


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