Lyndon // Reflective Journal

When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a doctor because I thought it was interesting and I liked the thought of helping sick people. However, as I started growing up and going from primary school to starting high school, I used to like taking pictures of random things or of my friends and family and everyone started telling me how good I am at taking photographs. From that day I have thought of taking media in high school so it can help me gain more knowledge on photography or anything else that has to do with filming or editing.

After taking media throughout high school and passing the exam, I started enjoying it more so I decided to buy a camera and start taking pictures of anything that I find appealing. For one of my media lessons in school I had to make a trailer with a group and I decided to film some of the camera shots and also be in the video so I can have more ideas and talent on using a camera properly and knowing how to do angle shots, for the acting I wanted to see if I was confident enough or if in the future media doesn’t work for me, I could start an acting career however I stuck with media and photography. In high school, I had to do work experience for a week so I decided to find a job related to the media industry however I couldn’t find any so I worked with one of my friends dad in an office on computers where I had to help him print out papers and help him on computers. I enjoyed it but I wanted to stick with media as I found it more suitable for me and I wanted to do it in the future at college and University.

Then I started college and I carried on taking media even in college as I wanted it to help me with my photography skills or anything else to do with the film industry.                    After the first year of taking media in college I have gained more knowledge about the subject and I know how to control a camera properly and to edit videos. I have two more years in college also studying media, after I finish those two years I will decide if I either want to go to university and study photography or find a job that has to do with filming or photography and start my career from there. I also did work experience in college and this time I worked in the Opticians as I wanted to try something new and I couldn’t find jobs near me that have to do with the media industry. I helped them clean glasses and book appointments, I also had to help organise the glasses for the right person and help prepare them for the customers. After working at the opticians I still thought that media is better for me so therefore I wanted to carry on taking the subject in college.

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