Lyndon // Treatment

I have made a treatment which has an explanation of the movie I have filmed with my group, I will be including the title name of my movie and the concept of it which is explaining what the story is about in a short sentence. I will also be talking about the chosen genre for my movie and why I picked that specific genre, also where we chose the setting to be in and reason why it was set there. I have also chosen a tag-line for my movie which is also known as a slogan to interest the audience. The last thing I have talked about is the target audience, this is to show the age group that this movie is aimed at and who should watch it.

Title: The Escape

Concept: This story is about someone who wants something but then something gets in the way. A teenage boy walking alone through a tunnel minding his own business, he suddenly sees a man standing at the end of the tunnel staring at him, as he turns around he sees another man walking towards him and he tries to escape them both.

Genre: Sci-fi/Horror, I chose the genre to be both sic-fi and horror as it can make the video seem more effective and interesting for the audience to watch. Teenagers nowadays like watching horror videos and it is quite popular which is also another reason why the genre for my video was horror to interest teenagers into watching it.

Setting: It is set in a tunnel as it expands on the fact that it is based on a horror genre and the tunnel makes it look more spooky and scary and also fits into the concept of the actual story.

Tag-line: Prevention is better than cure. This simply means how you should always be safe and careful with where you go and who you should avoid when you are walking alone carrying a bag filled with things that can catch a persons eye and cause problems with you.

Target audience: 16-20 year olds, this is because younger people at these ages relate more to the moral of the story and they are more interested in these types of genres and videos based on horror and sic-fi.

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