Editing shots – Lyndon



This is Continuity editing, it is an editing that focuses on telling and explaining the story without fading into another scene.

This is the 180 degree rule, this is when you keep the camera in one frame and side of the action.

Match on action, this edit is when you take a long shot of a scene and then cut into a close up, this is known an cutting two shots together.

The shot-reverse-shot, this shot is when there is a conversation between people which is cut from one scene to another then back again.

Crosscutting, cutting between two scenes, for example in these images there is someone approaching a girl and then it cuts to a close up scene of the girl on the floor and cuts it again to a long shot of both of them.

This is the Eyeline match, when there is a person in the shot looking at someone else and then the shot changes into what that person is looking at.

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This is a close up, a closer shot of a character which helps the audience know more about how the character is feeling by showing their facial expressions the way it is shown in this image.

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A cut-in, this is a close up of an object that you use in your scene which is used to catch the audiences attention to the object and what it is used for.

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Cut away, this is similar to a cut-in which shows a shot of something else in that scene that has not been seen before.

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