Coming down the mountain.

Camera angle, movement and composition:

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In the beginning of the scene when it shows the older brother sitting down from a high angle on the right and the disabled brother sleeping on the left of the frame, it is an aerial shot which shows a clear difference between the two characters as they are on the opposite ends of the frame.            This represents the characters in that the boy on the right does not want to socialise with his brother, and the boy on the left is using his disability as an advantage to get what he wants.


There is a fade/dissolve transition used to get from the first shot to the other which introduces the characters to the audience, it fades into the older brothers thoughts on how his brothers disability has an affect on him. The scene when the whole family is sitting around the table, there is a shot-reverse-shot before and after this scene which represents the argument the family have due to the boys disability.


There is a voice over in the opening scene which is about the boy speaking about the negativity of having a disabled brother. This also represents a negative view of having a disability. Also, the opening slow and quite music can represent the stereotype that the boy with the disability is ‘slow’. There is a scene with happy and upbeat music which has been pushed aside to make way for the argument in the kitchen between the two brothers and parents.

Mise en scene:

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This shows a natural homely environment which is expressed by the exciting colours and natural lighting. The mother, father and the younger brother are all wearing light coloured clothes whereas the older brother is wearing dark colours which can represent his worry.


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