
As part of the CWC productions, I have produced a creative profile video “About Me” with the theme “Between me and you”. I have explored the processes and technical skills used in within the creative media production, I have also created a poster to advertise and market my profile video. Moreover, I will be evaluating the production process as well as everything that I have done in this unit.

Essential Skills within Creative Media Production – during this first task, i have demonstrated a range of skills, processes and methods of communication used within the creative media production. I have talked about four different techniques, which are editing techniques, camera angles, sound and lighting. For the editing techniques, I have written an analysis of editing and setting up, I have also taken pictures of ten shot types of the following: extreme close up, close up, medium shot, long shot, over the shoulder shot, two shot, point of view, birds eye view, high angle and low angle. For the sound, I have explained how you set up and use the sound equipment including some pictures to show evidence and make it understandable. The last one is lighting, I have taken images of a student from my class explaining what the light is and what it means.

Codes and conventions of film posters – I have produced a power point presentation on the codes and conventions of film posters, I have analysed in detail two posters of my choice and considered the following: content, written language, typography, photographs and illustrations, representations, colour schemes, compare 20th and 21st century posters and an alternate poster.

Research techniques and methods – in this task, I have demonstrated how I will apply a range of research methods and techniques in a bid to find ways to market my profile video. I have written about the primary research, I presented one of my research findings in the form of a questionnaire with 10 questions about my creative profile video, which has been filled by some people from my class. After that, I made an analysis of my findings from the questionnaire showing everyone’s different answers to my questions.  I was required to visit a gallery to take eight photos exploring the themes surrounded by my idea for my project. I visited a gallery and took eight photos, after that I analysed the images and talked about how they have helped give me ideas for my video and I talked about the similarities and differences between the pictures and the meaning behind them.                                                                                                                            For the Purposes of research, I have discussed the four main forms of research undertaken by the media industries. The four main forms are Market research, Production research, Audience segmentation and Copyright. For each of these forms I have talked about what each of them mean and given some examples for each one. For the secondary research, I have researched books, articles and newspapers relating to the photos that I have taken from the gallery I visited and I compared them to the eight photos.

Production folder (planning and research) – For my production folder I made a mood board including images of things that represent my about me video for example a Lebanese flag (showing where I am from). I also made a storyboard drawing each scene from my video and writing what is going on in the scene and who is involved. For the location recces, I made a table showing the settings I filmed it in and the equipment that I used, also the camera angles I used and the health and safety issues that may occur during filming. After that I made another table about my shooting schedule, I wrote about each scene and what is happening in it and the time I shot it, also the location I filmed it in, the cast needed and the props needed. The last table I made was about my shot list which is about the shot type (camera angles) and the camera movements, also where I shot it in (location) and the equipment used. Afterwards, I made a script showing some of my editing skills and who was in my video, also what time of the day it was shot in.

About me profile production – I have created a 3-minute video and a poster. My video includes scenes of my family and introducing them and some videos and pictures of my country to let people know where I am from. For the poster, I included a picture of me and some pictures of me and my family as the video has my family in it, also an image I took in my country to make it seem more about me.



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