Editing Analysis – Lyndon

Editing is when you join shots together and add effects to your film to make it professional and interesting to watch, it is also a way of preparing something to publish it by correcting some things in a scene.

In my about me video, I have used several types of editing skills to make my video fun to watch and interesting.



This is when you are taking a long shot of something and then shifts to a closer shot of the object/person.

In my video, I have used a cut-in, cut away edit when I showed my mum and my 3 sisters as I first started the shot as a long shot then went closer to them to a close up shot. This is effective as it helps the audience know where the person is (setting) in a long shot and then moving closer to their face in order for them to see what that person looks like in a close up.



This is a transition between two shots, when one image disappears and another one appears.

I have used this editing skill in my video when I included some pictures in the beginning and towards the end of the video showing images of my family and me and one image disappears and another appears straight after. This is effective as it links two scenes and makes it look better than adding two pictures without using an effect and editing them.


  • IRIS

An iris is when you show a moving scene and then closes down to an end scene, which is known as an iris-out.

In my video I have used an iris in the beginning as I show a scene of me walking and then I move the camera around to show the area I live in and then the scene ends when I move the camera slightly down which is an iris-out. Also when I walk into my house, I use and iris-out as I show a quick scene of my house when you walk into it and then I move the camera down to the floor to an iris-out and to end that scene. This adds effect to the video as it adds detail and helps the audience know that I am going to open to begin a new scene (iris-in).



A jump cut is when you change from one scene to another, either when a figure changes instantly to a different background or setting.

Jump cuts have been used throughout my whole video from beginning to end; this is to change one scene to another. Jump cuts are effective and useful at times as it can add a sense of speed to the changing of the scenes and draws attention to the audience.

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