Editing Introduction Worksheet


  1. a) Watch the ‘Introduction to Editing’ video. Take notes about editing here:

The Gloaming

  • What is editing?

The process of selecting different shots.

• What is Elliptical editing?

It allows us to fill in the gaps, move on quickly and takes up less actual time on screen.

• Why are long shots used?

To remind us where the girl is and tells us she is alone.

• What is ‘non-diagetic sound’?

When the viewer can hear the music but the actor cannot, it creates tension and unease.

• How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (what shots are used and why?)

There is an extreme close up shot of the girl looking down at the ring, then the camera focuses on the ring and the girl slowly grabbing it, because it is a close up shot like the other scene of her looking down at the ring, it fills the gaps and makes a connection that the ring is what she is looking at.


  • Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?

The director sets out the space where the action will take place and the characters positions within in the room.

• What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?

Cutting back and forth between the two men we assume they are looking at and talking to each other.

• What is Eye-line matching?

From the angle of their eyes, they are looking at each other as the big man standing up is looking off-screen and down whereas the seated man looks off-screen and up.

• Why do we cut to the other members of the group?

So we can see their faces and reactions both to the plan and to each other.

  • What is a wipe?

To move the action to a different location and time and chooses a diagonal angle.

• What is the effect of using quick cuts?

Creates a fast rhythm, which in turn keeps the story moving along and the audience on their toes.

b) Now watch ‘Editing: The Invisible Art’ and take notes:

  • How can editing build tension and pace?

By making the shots shorter and more frequent.

• What is crosscutting?

When you cut from one scene to the other in order to compare them both.

• What are reaction shots?

The audiences reactions.

• What is seamless editing?

When you don’t notice the work of the editor in a scene like this.

• What is a jump cut?

A way to let the audience in on the film making process to expose rather than hide the edit.

• What is a flash back and what does it achieve?

They take the audience from one point to another, they are often used as a backstory, it adds tension, drama and interest to their films.

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