Reflective Journal

I decided to go to the Showroom Gallery in Marylebone to take some photographs of a variety of different images to help me get more ideas for my About Me video. I made use of visiting this exhibition as I took some pictures of a wardrobe, clothes, hair and a sofa, these are all something you would find in a house and in my video I will be filming scenes in my house. The most important ideas of my exhibition is the fact that the images I took relate to my idea for my video therefore i can include some of these images into my video to show how I planned everything for the video. A disadvantage of this gallery is that it is quite small with not much images to use, even though some of the images related to my About Me video, there was not much pictures that helped me gain more ideas for the video as most of the pictures were similar and the same as the others.

There are some assumptions hidden within this exhibition, for example the meaning of all these images.

IMG_2748Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 14.14.12These two images are quite similar as both talk about the human features, in the first image it shows a picture of hair and in the second image there are three pictures of the same girl highlighting her features which are her eyes, then lips and then they add an effect to her eyes as they rotate it slightly.

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For the differences in these images, the first one is mainly about someone explaining where and with who they go to have a meal together, it also has a sofa in the middle and writing around it. However the second picture talks about a man and a woman asking a question about their problems.

People from different ethnic or racial groups would view this and all the images that i have taken in a different way. The fact that my images are mainly to do with things you find at home or images of people with a meaning to them, people from different ethnic or racial groups will find it quite strange and not as interesting as usually in exhibitions and galleries, there are plenty of different types of images taken and produced however in the one i have visited most of the images are similar to each other with not much meaning to them which they will find strange. It will affect them as they will find it quite boring with not much images to look at, however these images may also influence them as they all might be similar to each other however they are very effective and the images have good meanings to them.

The patterns/themes that can emerge from these images are homely things as these images say a lot about different people and things that you may find at home which also links to my about me video.

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